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20 Tips of Time Management

20 Tips for Time Management

1. Write down your goals
2. Make a to-do list the night before.
3. Meditate and Exercise every morning.
4. Prioritize and do the hardest task first.
5. Set Clear deadlines.
6. Declutter and Organize.
7. Focus and know what, when to multitask.
8. Learn to delegate.
9. Eliminate distractions.
10. Take a breath and reward yourself.
11. Learn to say, “NO.”
12. Eliminate bad habits.
13. Do not be a perfectionist!
14. Have a small task to-do list while on a waiting mode.
15. plan your meals ahead of time.
16. Relate your action to our goals.
17. Audit your time.
18. Remember your WHY?
19. Enjoy/Savor the process.
20. Be realistic and Flexible.

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Tips of Time Management



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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