The Power Of Words
I remember as a child. I was fascinated with words. I discovered my love for words when I found my love for reading in the fourth grade. The first book I’ve ever read on my own was Black Beauty.
After school, I would go to the library to find books on short stories and novels to borrow. I loved reading books so much then that I would read my books first before studying for school.
I even remember that I had a classmate in school that would lend me pocketbooks for 25 cents. I would read the book throughout the day and return it to her in the afternoon.
I had a notebook that I would write down words that just intrigued or fascinated me. I would write down quotes, interesting lines. I just loved how you can combine words, the definitions, the vocabulary. I loved to learn new words that trigger a feeling, my imagination.
Words and Other People
Nowadays, I am still fascinated with the power of words and their effects on our daily lives. Words are very powerful. We can utter words that encourage, show support, motivate, build somebody up, show friendship, love. But we can also speak words that can hurt, humiliate, discourage, belittle.
That is why we need to speak with intention and be mindful of how our words can affect other people. That words matter and the tone the words are spoken gives a more significant impact. We must speak the truth, avoid exaggerations, be fair and consistent, and do not use words to insult, belittle, manipulate others.
Positive words can heal and uplift. They can change our lives. Positive, uplifting words support, nourish, and inspire our children to grow to be better. That is why I praise my children often.
Written and spoken words can enhance, heal, or break and destroy relationships. As well as words left, unsaid can heal or break and destroy lives.
Words and I
Part of my daily routine is to read my Daily Affirmation to Self. It is my way to start my day. It is me speaking positive words into my life so I can go out into the world with the right mindset, the correct disposition, and the happy and calm demeanor to face anything that I have to tackle in my day.
I also believe that if I cannot say something good about someone, I’d rather say nothing.
We need to watch our internal dialogues we say to ourselves: self-deprecation and self-criticism. We are saying to ourselves that we are stupid, fat, unworthy. If we say this long enough are body and mind will believe this and make it true. Such is the power of words said consistently. It can change our physiology to fit our words.
Word and Context
It is also essential to understand the context of what, when, how, where, why the words are spoken.
When spoken with such emotion and intensity, words can mean different as when the same words are spoken playfully. Let’s say someone saying, “I hate you” playfully and with a smile versus “I hate you” with aggression.
Words and Interpretation
The words that we say are interpreted by other people based on their psychological and emotional state at the moment and thus may be misinterpreted. The meaning far different than what we intended.
I may say, “You look beautiful today.” But because you are in a bad mood might interpret my words as criticism or a lie.
That is also why I do not answer emails or write letters when I am emotional or mad because the tone of what I am writing will reflect my current emotional state and will come across the words I choose on the email.
With social media, we also have to be careful in reading too much into posts or searching too deep for meaning into the words since we do not have the benefits of hearing the tone, seeing the facial expressions and interpreting the body language that accompanies the words. Know that the power of words works both ways — power when spoken, and the power in their interpretation.
The Importance of Words and Mindset
Words that are spoken and written are very powerful. We use them daily. The quality of life is dependent on the words we speak to ourselves and others consistently and persistently. Words that are expressed and received and understood consistently and persistently.
Words written and spoken by us to others and by others to us can leave and create a lasting memory- good or bad. So we must be diligent with guarding our tongue and be mindful of the words you speak.
Knowing this, we must not let the words of others affect us too much. People can be cruel at times and do not believe in the same things we believe in. We are all individuals, after all. So, although words are powerful, build a mind and heart that is acceptable but guard against taking hurtful, discouraging, negative words. Words may be powerful, but your mindset will filter these words properly and take negative and positive words out accordingly.
Positive words should boost your morale to keep doing better and negative words should just let you rethink, reevaluate to improve. Do not be discouraged by what people say. Instead, use these words to propel you higher. Prove them wrong.
Have a mindset that sees the silver lining in everything and have relentless optimism in everything.
In the end, words may be powerful, but our mindset is far more powerful.