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10 Tips to Overcome Distraction

You know you have things to do, but as soon as you settle down to do some work, you find yourself reaching out for your phone and scrolling social media and or going to check your email account and answering random emails. Or even worse, finding yourself going to YouTube and watching videos after videos and without realizing it. Several hours have passed, and you had not accomplished what you had set to do when you began your day. So what just happened that you allowed distractions to rule your day.

The idea of a distraction may seem trivial, but it has a tremendous impact on our mind’s overall productivity. Distractions include delay in taking action, procrastination, forgetfulness, losing focus, and many others.

Here are ten tips to help us overcome the major sources of distractions in our life.

#1 – Get Clear on Our Purpose and Vision

Purpose & vision are the cornerstones of success and happiness. When you know your purpose and vision, you’re clear about what you’re supposed to do, which gives you the motivation to do it.

#2 – Stay Focused on Our Goals

Distractions like delay, procrastination, forgetfulness, and losing focus can cause you to miss your chance to achieve your success and happiness.

#3 – Be Clear About Our Commitment

If our commitment is not crystal clear, how can we be motivated to do it? If we’re not clear about commitment and we see little or no results, our mind becomes confused, and a confused mind leads to procrastination and forgetfulness.

#4 – Always Be Clear About the Results that will Come from Our Actions

Our mind is so powerful. Our decisions and reactions will come if we want them to. We must be crystal clear about the expected results of our actions. This must be very clear in our minds before we commit ourselves.

#5 – Remember to Stay Clear About Our Values

Our values are the motivating force behind everything that we do and say. Our value is what we’re doing at a given moment—remembering that what we’re doing matters is critical to overcoming distractions.

#6 – Avoid Unnecessary Thoughts

What are you doing? Is it worth doing? Is it going to help you accomplish your goals? Or is it just going to waste your energy? These are the questions we should honestly ask ourselves. We should always seek what the purpose is and how it is going to help us grow. Recognize the unnecessary thoughts and those that are just going to waste our energy.

#7 – Make Our Life Simple and Focused

A simple life allows us to be clear and focused on what’s important to us. We must be clear and focused on what’s important in life.

#8 – Have a Plan for Our Day

Planning our tasks is the best way to avoid been pulled in all directions by our own distracted mind or by others looking for our time and attention.

#9 – Take Time to Listen to Our Heart

Our heart is our highest and most intelligent tool. It is the most accurate source of guidance and information. It’s going to give us the right answer, the one that’s going to help us grow.

#10- Declutter Our Work Area

Research has shown that disorganization and clutter have an accruing effect on our brains. Our brains like order, and continuously seeing clutter drains our cognitive resources, reducing our ability to focus. Seeing clutter increases cognitive overload and can reduce our working memory.

Neuroscience researchers found that clearing clutter around our home and work environment leads to improved ability to focus and utilize information and increased productivity.

In Summary

Overcoming distractions is a constant struggle worth battling every day because when we overcome them. Whatever we have accomplished will surely bring us tremendous success, satisfaction, and happiness.



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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