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20 Ways to Live Your Best Life Now

It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the things in life that we want and don’t want—starting a business, traveling around the world, finding love, starting a family – what if our lives are not where we want them to be? Do we have time for this? What if it’s not what we wanted at all?

We often spend so much time in our heads, and with our thoughts, it becomes difficult to see things as they are.

Everyone has the potential to impact our own part of the world in some way. And everyone, no matter how small, can change our world. And it starts with working on us first.

What do you want to be? What is the dream? Here are 20 ways to live your best life now.

1. Be decisive about what we want in our life. Be clear.

You will never leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be. Gain clarity about where you are. Decide to find out what we want and then pursue it passionately.

2. Be hopeful but realistic.

We overemphasize the minor issues when there are more significant problems out there that need more attention.

Start thinking in terms of the bigger picture. You may not control what happened in the past, but you can control how you react. Start being more positive and hopeful towards the future.

   Be vibrant and courageous.

Have courage – start doing what is always in your heart, but keep rational optimism about your actions during tough times.

3. Be daring to dream big.

Even when the odds are against you, dare to dream big. Anything important will take time, be unrelenting in your pursuit. It will pay off. Think of what motivates you, make a list of things that excites and move from there.

4. Be thankful for what we already have.

Start appreciating everything that we have in our lives. Do not take things for granted and sometimes forget about the small blessings surrounding us every day. Stop thinking so small and start seeing the bigger picture where everyone can impact the earth somehow.

Even the smallest of actions have an immense impact on the lives of people. Even you! Dream big, and one day you will be able to change the world.

5. Be yourself and love the person you are because you are a gift to the world.

Love yourself not for who you want to be, but only for who you are. There is no one like you in the whole world. Your life will never be the same as anyone else’s!

Live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it because you’re taking advantage of a lifetime opportunity.

6. Be masterful in your craft or your passion.

Focus on what you are good at. Find a craft or a passion that is real for you. It’s something that gives you great satisfaction and makes your heart skip a beat when you think of it.

There is nothing more rewarding than reaching that peak of success in your career, knowing that you’re creating something of value.

7. Be grateful for the little things in life.

Never forget to be grateful for what you have every moment that you are alive. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life. It may not seem like much, but be grateful for what you have and appreciate it every day.

8. Be a good role model.

And everyone, no matter how small, can change the world. What kind of role model are you? Set an example by your actions. If you don’t believe in your role as a leader, nobody else will either.

9. Be loving, be kind, and share the love.

Be loving always, whether you are angry or happy. Be generous. Embrace kindness, compassion, and love because they will always come back to you. Don’t hate, gossip, or spread hurtful words. Be kind to everyone, as you are, in the end, the only person you can affect a change.

10. Be persistent.

If you think something isn’t possible, then you’ll never go after it, but would rather stay where you are and waste time doing the same things over and over again until you die.

Have faith in the universe and never give up. Have faith and trust in the universe. Know that there is a reason for everything that happens to you. You may not understand it yet, but soon it will all become clear.

11. Live well in each moment and live every day like it’s your last.

We tend to forget how wonderful life is, seeing it through rose-tinted glasses. Live every single day like it could be your last.

12. Trust and Be Honest.

Trust everything, even if it’s hard to fathom. If you don’t believe in a thing or someone, don’t ever let them in your life again, as you’ll only be wasting precious time, energy, and valuable resources. With trust comes freedom, but most importantly, a good feeling of deep serenity and inner peace.

Honesty is a rare quality nowadays. Be hopeful but realistic. People will appreciate the honesty and will respect you more for it.

13. Listen and Follow your heart.

Your heart will never lie to you. It will always tell you what’s right, so listen to it and trust it.
Be spontaneous; let your emotions guide you. Go after what you want, don’t settle, and stay true to yourself. Follow your dreams, and don’t listen to anyone that tells you not to achieve your goals. Just do it.

14. Embrace change.

Embrace change. Do not get too attached to anyone or anything because everything changes, you can’t stop it, and you can’t control it. It’s the only thing that is certain in this world.

15. Be Patient, but never settle.

Don’t settle for a life defined by mediocrity. Don’t accept a tedious job, an unhappy relationship, or empty goals. Dare yourself to live the life you want.

Be patient and give everything you do your full attention without rushing it. Everything takes time, and nothing is certain, don’t expect things to happen instantly if they’re worth having at all.

16. Have courage.

Bravery is not about being fearless. It’s about doing what’s right without fear of the consequences. We all get scared, but we should never be too afraid to change things because change is inevitable and unstoppable. Have courage and act. You’ll quickly see that it’s a lot of fun.

17. Accept failure.

If you don’t like something or are unhappy about something, do not hesitate to change it. Instead of holding onto your problems, try to see them from a different perspective. Imagine yourself in a different situation and see the potential in it.

18. Take Care of Yourself and Relax.

Self-care is important because your health is the foundation of everything else in your life. It sets the tone for how enjoyable your days are and whether you have the energy to tackle those big goals.

Stress is a terrible thing for your mental and physical health, so take time out to relax and rejuvenate your mind now and again. Go to the park, play an instrument, paint, go for a walk in the woods or do yoga. Don’t let all your goals get ahead of you, or else you’ll burn out.

Taking time for yourself means making better decisions and being more productive when you go back to work. Being healthy also gives you more energy and helps with stress management so that overall, your life can become simpler and uncomplicated.

Taking care of people often takes precedence, but the truth is that if we neglect ourselves, we will be less able to help others.

19. The past is done, the present is here, the future is on the horizon. Live life to the fullest.

Live life to the fullest. Life is short. Life is precious, so don’t waste any time on the small things in life; they’re not worth it. Focus on the things that will improve your life and help you grow. Don’t dwell on the past. Instead, look ahead to your future, what you can do now to make it a better place.

20. Simplify your life, live within your means, and don’t be extravagant.

When you simplify your life, you can focus on the important things in your life.

Also, live within your means, and don’t get into debt. You must have financial stability. To achieve live a life that does not spend over their income level.



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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