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Know Thyself

Know Yourself: Socrates Said It First.

Back in ancient Greece, Socrates was quoted as saying, “Know thyself.” It is still somewhat of a widely accepted statement today. But why should we know ourselves? Can knowing oneself help us? Yes! Being in touch with your past can give you insight into where you are now and where you’re going in your future. It can help you to cope better in life. It can provide you information about yourself that will help others. Even if you have a poor self-image, looking at yourself objectively and having an honest self-assessment of who you are, is important!

Know Thyself: What Did Socrates Mean?

Socrates said that knowing your shortcomings and accepting them is the first step to improving your life overall. Knowing ourselves means taking our limitations. It also remembers that we’re all human beings. We all have flaws, and we all make mistakes. Socrates didn’t say to forget about what we may have done in the past. He just said not to let your past make you want to give up on yourself.

Know Thyself: The Importance of Making Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. Some of us make more mistakes than others. But if we learn from our mistakes, they can be a positive experience. It is crucial to learn from your past experiences. It’s important to remember what you’ve done in the past and not what you wish had happened.

Know Thyself: How to Know Yourself?

There are different ways to know yourself. The ways will change depending on the person doing the self-assessment. For example, you can use a questionnaire. Ask yourself the following questions:

How has your past affected your present? How have you changed over time?

Have you remained consistent, or are your views changing over time? Are there any things that you regret about the past?

Do you have any past regrets that you didn’t even realize until now? This is an important question to ask yourself. It’s normal to have regrets. But it’s important not to let your past mistakes hinder your current or future success. It also helps to know that if you’ve made a mistake, that doesn’t define who you are.

Now, what about the future? What do you hope for?  What are you afraid of?

Exploring your hopes and fears about the future can give you a better understanding of what lies ahead for you in the near future. Understanding yourself better can help you cope in life.

Know Thyself: Questions For You.

The only way you’re going to know yourself better is if you ask yourself the right questions.  It is critical to tailor the questions to your specific needs.

Here are examples of questions you could ask yourself:

What do I want to learn about myself?

What are my greatest achievements?

What are my biggest achievements?

What would I like to change about the past?

What aspects of my past have been positive?

What aspects of my past have been negative?

What aspects of my past have been negative, but I’ve learned or grown from for example: mistakes, past decisions

What aspects of my past would I rather forget?

What is something I would like to change about myself?

How do I feel about myself now that I’ve thought about this question?

How do I feel about myself in the next 30 days?

How will I feel in 2 months and six months if nothing changes between now and then?

Remember that this is a self-assessment.

In Summary

The best way to know yourself is, to be honest, and open. Don’t make excuses for anything you may have done in the past. If you made a mistake, accept that it did happen and that it’s probably not going to change. You’ll move on faster if you accept your past mistakes than if you don’t. Moving forward shouldn’t be hindered by the past. One of the best ways to move forward is to learn from the past and to realize that mistakes can make for a more exciting future.

The next time you look at yourself in the mirror, instead of seeing a mistake or something you’d like to change about your image, try to think of an aspect of yourself that you want. Don’t say, “I’ll feel better about myself when I lose weight.” Instead, say, “I’m proud of myself for exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. I feel better about myself when I look at the way my body looks and feels. Now, I can make healthy choices that will help me maintain my weight and feel better about myself.”

The problems in life are caused by not knowing yourself. Once you know yourself better, then you can start to change your life for the better. Now more than ever before, we need to know ourselves to improve ourselves and our lives. It’s essential to be aware of who you are and of what you’re capable of. If you don’t know yourself, then you’ll never be able to live the life that you want.



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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