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10 Reasons of Demotivation

There comes a time when we get tired of doing the same thing day after day after day. We want change. We want something new. That’s human nature. It’s also a normal part of every career and each phase of life, that at some point in our lives, we all become stuck.

Our passions start to feel like a chore, and the only motivation we have is because it’s what we should be doing. Because of this, we can’t help but feel like we’re on auto-pilot, doing what we’re supposed to do–not because we genuinely want to do it. We get demotivated.

We come to the realization that the things in our life don’t go the way we planned, and everything we do feels like a struggle. We’re getting up each day, going through the motions, and finding our life doesn’t have the excitement that once made us feel so alive and motivated to achieve our goals.

Let us explore 10 of the possible reasons why we can get demotivated.

10 Reasons of Demotivation

1. Boredom – We get bored with the things we once enjoyed so much and no longer found them stimulating or entertaining.

When we spend too much time following a certain plan, we often get bored with the same routine. We need to be flexible and constantly changing to keep ourselves motivated.

2. Frustration – Something goes wrong, and we feel like giving up, which causes us to feel more frustrated with ourselves and what’s going on around us.

We spend too much time doing what others want and need us to do and forget about making time for the things that are important to us.

3. Too Much – We are overscheduled and feel overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

This feeling could come when you have spent too much time doing one thing without taking a break. The longer we do something, the more our minds stop trying to be creative and see new things, thus becoming more passive.

4. Vague – We don’t know what we want to do or how we will get there and feel ourselves getting lost in the shuffle of living our everyday lives.

We don’t know where we’re going or how we’re going to get there. Without a plan, motivation can often diminish.

5. Lack Of Progress – We aren’t seeing ourselves making progress and feel like giving up because we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel that once seemed so bright. We feel stuck and wonder if there is any point in continuing on the path.

We need motivation when we have a new idea that can change our lives forever or something that has the potential to change the world. We start, and then we stop because we are not able to see any progress.

6. Not Good Enough – We feel like we aren’t good enough to do what we are passionate about and lose the motivation to continue.

We are passionate about what we do, but sometimes we feel like no one else is to support us, which can often lead to discouragement.

7. Identity Crisis – We aren’t sure who we are or our passions and thus feel like our lives don’t have a true direction.

8. Status Quo – We don’t see the point in changing our current situation because it’s comfortable and familiar.

We aren’t always good at knowing what we want or where we are going in our lives. It can be hard to motivate ourselves to change when we are already comfortable with where we are now. Knowing who we are and what’s important to us makes it much easier to see the right path.

9. Overwhelm – We don’t know where to begin with our passions and can’t take on more in our lives at that time.

We allow ourselves to get overwhelmed by too many ideas or opportunities and, as a result, don’t know where we want to go next.

10. Standstill – We feel like we have stalled in our lives and need to reassess where we are going and figure out a new direction.

We feel like things are okay as they are now. As long as you’re not miserable, there’s no reason to change anything.

In Summary

Motivation will always be important to us as long as we want to persevere through our lives. Whether it be in our personal, professional lives or relationships, we must remember our “Why.” Our why will be our motivator.



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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