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100 Self-Affirmations

When you think positively, you are setting yourself up for success by thinking in sync with your goals—generating the mental energy required to get things done and push us forward.

Affirmations are a powerful tool in building confidence, improving self-esteem, and living a happier and healthier life. By repeating positive statements to yourself over time, you become more likely to see the good in every situation.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled this list of affirmations for you to try out! You can use them as motivation throughout your day or when you’re feeling particularly down. It’s never too late to start being kinder to yourself.

100 Self-Affirmations

1. I am brave.

2. I am powerful.

3. I am confident.

4. I trust my instincts, and they always lead me in the right direction.

5. I am grateful for the talents that have brought me where I am today.

6. I positively contribute to the world every day. I realize that there are many causes out there that deserve my support.

7. I am a strong person who continues to grow and learn new things, even in the most challenging times!

8. I treat all people with kindness, compassion, and respect, especially those who are less fortunate than me.

9. When people look at me, I want them to see someone confident in themselves and their abilities.

10. I am a good friend and am always willing to lend an ear when needed.

11. I believe in the good of humanity. I know that there are many people out there who are worthy of my support and love.

12. Life is too short not to enjoy every moment of it!

13 . I am a strong person who can deal with whatever life throws at me!

14. I can keep myself positive even when everything in my life is going wrong.

15. I’ve tried something new today and have found that I enjoy it rather than despise it!

16. It’s easier to be happy when you surround yourself with positive people who are making you laugh!

17.  I will always see the good in a situation and not let the bad overshadow it.

18. I am a person of action that pushes me to do all the things I’ve been putting off for so long!

19. I understand that life is not fair and will adjust my attitude if something isn’t going my way.

20.  I can be my own best friend by being kind to myself, knowing that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out in the end.

21.  I realize that happiness is not extrinsic but intrinsic and will choose joy over sadness whenever possible!

22. I am a kind person and always do my best to help others.

23. I have the power within me to achieve greatness!

24. I know that failure is simply an opportunity for me to learn and grow from my mistakes.

25.  I will not allow my circumstances to determine my happiness!

26.  I choose to be happy, and this will improve all aspects of my life!

27. I have learned so much in the time that I’ve been alive and continue to grow mentally every day!

28. I will face my fears and overcome them in time.

29. I will be great at what I do and think all the time!

30.  I am a powerful leader who can inspire others around me to change.

31. I know that the choices I make today will change my future forever!

32. Success is possible, but it’s up to me to make it happen!

33.  I’ll never give up, even when things get tough!

34.  I am a positive person who radiates joy to those around me!

35.  I am a powerful human being and will not allow my fears to hold me back from living my life in how I want to!

36.  I am lucky to be alive, and I love this world that gave birth to the amazing person I have become.

37.  When one door closes, another will open!

38.  The only person who can hurt me is myself.

39.  I’m not scared of anyone, nor am I afraid to take risks in life!

40.  I am a good person and will live my life with kindness, love, and compassion for my fellow man!

41.  I will continue to be a positive force in this world no matter what challenges I must face!

42.  Sometimes, we must go through dark places to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

43.  I can see my future, and it is filled with happiness, joy, love, and good things for the people I care about most in this world!

44.  I am not afraid of failure as it is only a stepping stone on the road to success!

45.  I know that I am not alone in this world.

46.  It’s never too late to change your life!

47.  I can overcome any obstacle that life throws at me!

48.  I am a fighter and not a quitter!

49.  My greatest strengths are my ability to adapt and improvise with whatever comes my way!

50.  If it’s meant to be, then it will happen in its own time and through its own means!

51.  I know that I can achieve greatness and always choose the right path for me!

52.  I have a lot of potential inside of me, and I will realize my full potential in this life!

53.  I will not let anyone put me down or bring me down to their level.

54.  Life is too short to be unhappy. Therefore, I choose to be happy no matter what challenges lie ahead of me.

55.  I am a wonderful person who will share my love with all who come into contact with me!

56.  When you’re going through hell, keep going!

57.  Don’t let your fears and insecurities hold you back from reaching for your dreams!  Life is meant to be lived and not simply existed!

58.  I will not allow the opinions of others to determine my happiness and well-being!

59.  I have a strong faith in God, and I trust in him to guide me through this life!

60.  I will never give up on my dreams no matter what the odds may be against me!

61.  Even if I fail at the start, I am convinced that I can still change my life completely for the better!  And this is how it shall always be!

62.  Failure does not mean that you are a failure.

63.  When you are down and out, keep your head up and believe in yourself!

64.  A great man once said, “The best way to overcome failure is to try and succeed the second time around.”

65.  I know that I am destined for greatness, and I will not be denied!

66.  I will always love my children without condition or reservation!

67.  I will be there for them to guide and teach them the right way!

68.  My children will always know that I am the best mother in the world!

69.  I will be responsible for my own actions, and I will not blame anyone else for them!

70.  I will not allow my past failures to dictate my future!

71.  My future is bright, and it has no limitations, only boundaries that I am free to challenge and breakthrough!

72.  I will not run away from my problems. Instead, I will face them head-on and conquer them all!

73.  I will take the path that I am meant to walk, and I know that I am destined for greatness!

74.  I refuse to accept that I cannot be who I want to be.

75.  I will not let anyone or any problem bring me down!

76.  I will fight the evil and make this place safer for all!

77.  I am here to help those who cannot help themselves!

78.  I will not let anyone or anything stand in my way of greatness!

79.  My purpose is too important to me to ever give up on it now!

80.  I will always strive to be the best I can be!

81.  I will make mistakes, but I will learn from them and not let them define me!

82.  I am a powerful human being, and I am not the victim of anyone or anything!

83.  I will never allow anyone or any circumstance to dictate my happiness!

84.  It is now up to me to make the best of this situation and live life to the fullest!

85. I will not tolerate being treated unfairly. I will stand up for myself and my fellow human beings!

86.  I am a strong person who can overcome anything life throws my way!

87.  I can do something good in this world far more important than any mistake I have ever made!

88.  I am a good person who is kind to everyone I meet and will always be there for them!

89.  When one door closes, another always opens!

90.  I will not let anything stop me from achieving my dreams in life!

91.  I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way and make it through to the other side as long as I don’t give up on myself!

92.  My potential is limitless!

93. I will continue to get better and better every day as long as I work hard towards my dreams!

94. I will not give in to my fears or allow them to paralyze me!

95. Fear is only temporary, while failure has the potential to be permanent!

96.  I will not let failure define me or limit the person that I am capable of being!

97.  I will always choose to be happy rather than sad, no matter the circumstances!

98.  I will make the best of any situation and never give up no matter what I may face!

99.  I am a good person who soars on high ideals and never quits until my goals are achieved!

100.  I am capable of being the best, and I will strive to do so!

In Summary

Self-Affirmations are powerful words that you can use daily to keep you motivated and overcome obstacles in life.

There is no magic formula for success, but some successful people do certain things every day. Success doesn’t come overnight; you must work for it tirelessly until it becomes a way of life.



JoDaMel stands for my two sons and I: Joshua, Daniel and Mel. I have a passion for learning and aspire to be a successful momtrepreneur. My goal is financial freedom. My Plan: Time Management, Self-Development and Online Business. And I want to share my journey with you as I learn, plan, do, evaluate the world of online business. My hope is as I share what I learn, I can help you out in my own little way.

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